WHEN: Aug 19, 10am - 11am AND 4pm - 5pm
WHERE: Assamica Tea Lounge, 1904 Brookdale Rd Suite 128, Naperville
10am - Gentle Yoga with Julie
Julie is a 250 hour certified yoga instructor. This class is for the beginner yogi or those with less mobility. This will be a slow and restorative option with an extended meditation time, great for first thing in the morning!
4pm - Hatha Yoga with Mallory
Mallory is a 1000-hour certified yoga instructor. This class is for the beginner to intermediate yogi, with slightly more vigorous positions (including downward dog and warriors), and is recommended for those with a little more strength and mobility. This is your mid-day pick-me-up, and a great deep stretch before heading out for the night!
Supplies: Please bring a yoga mat and blocks if you have them, otherwise these will be provided. Dress in comfortable clothes!
Love donations in cash are accepted for the yoga instructor’s time, but are not required!
3 Wellness Teas selection available - Meditation, Happiness, Good Morning